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Old 10-19-2009, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by subman View Post
I love my lion and he is generally very peaceful, I have 2 large black percs, a falco hawkfish, a lawnmower blenny and other large fish. He hasn't touched any of them. That being said I bought a beautiful goat fish that I thought was to big for him to eat...... I was wrong he saw that Goat and his mouth started twitching his eyes were focused and I could almost see the drool!!! I couldn't get the goat out fast enough...he was dinner. I guess I was lulled into a false sense of security and have to remember that they CAN eat anything they can fit in their mouth. I love mine tough and can't imagine not having im.
Oh no, that beautiful Goat you picked out became dinner. Sorry to hear that!
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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