Hey ho Doug! Im not realy often here. the french forum is mostly a full time job but you all miss me
Not exacly Radium compagny said the ballast is rong but the engenir
who work for the distributor of Radium in nort américa
he made severale test and arrive to this conclusion who is rong who is right I just can't tell you cause I dont use any of the recomended ballast
he said the pulse underdrive to much the bulb (if my memory is right the bulb was runing around 280 watt) and for a MH it is as much bad as overdriving it and it's why you can't Dim a MH.
Radium germany have said to me in the past they dont know our balast so they can't recomand anyting more than running it with the right voltage and current and starting parameter......
tank for the tips on the PAR meter