well the hair algea is almost gone tank looks good coriline algea is growing comes in as a red velvet looking algea and turns to coriline algea. I also have some cool feather dusters like a black one and one that kind of looks purpe they are farly large ones. I'll try and get good pic's once macro lens and adapter come in. peramiters are still good PH 8.3 ammonia , nitrite and nitrate are all 0.0 silinity is 1.024 -1.025 skimmer dosn't pull as much out of the water in the sump as it di in the main tank as a hang on. BTA decided to jump into a power head and killed it's self. It was a cheepo as it did not look good when I got it I just wanted to get nice and healthy again and pass on the saving to someone else that may have wanted a BTA I guess it was just too far gone. I have read many instances where a BTA has moved right on to a power head and in alot of them the BTA was not doing so good. I think they know they are done for and want to end it so they do what anyone in a terminal situation would do if given the chance. Anyways my other nem's are doing just fine one has up and sunk it's self into the sand and seems to like it there. Probably just anouther way to hunt for the little pink bristel worms, get them as they run over you. There is about 2" or more sand on the bottom of the tank. corals seem happy some doing better than others but all are healthy 2 type star polups, a few different type of zoes, a candy cane and frog spone and a couple of hammer corals also a frag of waving hands that the flame angle seems to eat once in a while or maybe the bright purple dottyback. the flame angle had a few white spots when I got it but they seemed to have droped off and he has been in the tank for a little bit and a couple of spots came back but with garlic extreem in the flakes and treeting the water with it they seem to be almost gone again. so that should be that for them.
Last edited by bvlester; 10-19-2009 at 02:36 AM.