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Old 10-18-2009, 01:33 AM
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Carmen Carmen is offline
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Originally Posted by Argentiner View Post
My tank is 30" and I have to use tongs to get at things. Especially with the canopy on top. I have 2 sizes, the big bulky ones and the smaller ones you see people feeding eels with. Use the smaller one all the time.

As long as a algae free magnet with a razor blade can work, it's fine for getting the coraline off. If it won't work, you will have to use the mag float every couple days to not let the coraline start growing. Impossible to get it off when it builds up without the razor blade. I use mine only once in a while when I have to, but didn't find it scratches too bad. I usually use it without the razor blade on, and have an acrylic pad on it.

I have to keep my SPS more than half way up to get any colour on anything but green ones, so if you want SPS, you'll have to aquascape so you a lot of rock up high. Unless you only want a few... I have a constellation 14 bulb T5 light. LPS and softies can go on the bottom easily.

The half circle looks great. Always loved that one in Pisces with the stingray, and is why I got my bowfront.
Awesome Thanks Scott! Not exactly a bowfront but I am going to go for it! The deals is just too good to pass up! I am sure the 30" depth will drive me nuts but the tank has to be worth it!

A Constellation 14 Bulb?? Wow! That's alot of bulbs! Thinking my 6 bulb won't cut it then??? I suppose I will see when it's all set up - I can try out both! I am not an SPS person - I have none! So it is just LPS and Softies but I like bright and sparkly blue/purple!

Thanks everyone!
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45 Gallon Cube with 10 Gallon Sump, Lighting 8 bulb T5, Vertex IN 80 Skimmer
-2 Occelaris Clowns, Engineer Goby, RBTA, Peppermint Shrimp
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