Possible sell off stocked 155 bowfront
After 10 years of this hobby i have decided i need a break from it. I don't have the time to maintain or even enjoy my tank any more. I want to find out if there are people who will buy all this stuff since there are so many other sell off threads going on at the moment. In Vancouver area.
Here is a list of everything
I've had these two fish for a very long time and would like to see them go to a nice tank
9 year old hippo tang 7"
6 year old yellow coris wrasse 5"
Rest of the fish:
Black naso 7"
6 Bartletts anthias, 2 male 4 female
purple firefish
3 chromis
green spotted mandarin goby, healthy but wont eat frozen food
fire shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
sharknose blue neon goby
sps corals, most are frags that are growing some are colonies
large watermelon chalice
8" gold maxima
small brain coral
150 lbs live sand
unknown amount of live rock, guessing at least 150 lbs probably more, covered in purple coraline algea
dead sand in buckets
155 bowfront with reinforced stand and a custom matching canopy
reef ready with dual over flows and returns eurobraced
3 xm 400w 10k halide bulbs
48" t5 retro kit
little giant 3000 rpm return pump
Thats pretty much all for now, if this doesn't generate enough interest i may just make the tank into something that is alot less time consuming. maybe go with zoo's?
lots of additives under the tank
155 bowfront restarted
Last edited by originalozzyo; 10-17-2009 at 09:28 PM.