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Old 10-16-2009, 09:37 PM
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Default Anyone have any opinion/experiences with a 144G Half Circle for a Reef Tank?

Looking for anyones personal opinions/experiences on a 144 G Half Circle Tank being used as a reef tank. I have found a Half Circle for a pretty goof price and am going to take a look at it tonight but am wondering how difficult this may be to work with. It is 57.5" X 29" X 29". I LOVE my 72 G bowfront but am ofcourse wanting to go bigger. I am finding many options in traditional tanks but the bow jacks up the price so much that I have not found a feasible option (used). Can't afford new.

I understand there is some distortion as there is with the Bowfront but I am not bothered by that with the bow. is the circle much worse?

How are these for cleaning the glass? Can a magfloat scraper be used?

Any other advise you have to offer would be greatly appreciated!

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-2 Occelaris Clowns, Engineer Goby, RBTA, Peppermint Shrimp

Last edited by Carmen; 10-16-2009 at 11:22 PM.
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