Originally Posted by Delphinus
I thought mottled eels were more like 24" max size? I could be wrong on that. I don't think I've heard of a Richardson's eel though. Sure you can't muster a photo? Come on, if *I* could manage a crude video, surely you can manage a photo.  (The gauntlet is thrown! The challenge is uttered!  ) Or at least a latin id on the species name maybe?
Richardson's Moray - Gymnothorax richarsonii (around 12-16")
Mottled Moray - Echidna delicatula (up to about 16")
Golden Dwarf Moray - Gymnothorax melatremus (up to 12")
(Thanks to Coral Magazine, their recent article on Eels brought the Mottled Moray to my attention.)
Well I found a pic of the Golden Dwarf from when he/she was housed in my BC29. Found a pic of the Richardson's when I first got him. Tried to take a pic of the White Eye this evening, but I don't get home till the lights are out, and by then he's cruising the tank look for 'lost' inverts.
Next time I feed them I'll try to get a shot of all three.