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Old 10-16-2009, 04:21 AM
mr.wilson mr.wilson is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Toronto
Posts: 205
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The Poseidon/Velocity pump has a very hot external temperature, but this because the heat is on the outside, not the inside. Poseidon proved to have less heat transfer than Iwaki during testing. The heat transfer for a 50 gallon tank was not measurable. A heat sink would be a good addition to the Poseidon nonetheless. I like that it doesn't have a fan, nor do I think it needs it.

The older Red Dragon pumps have poor head pressure. Losing more than 1/3 of the flow with modest head pressure is disappointing for that kind of money. I don't now much about the new line of Red Dragon pumps, but I would consider using them if they were good quality even if they are expensive. For me it's more of a value for money issue than actual cost.
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