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Old 10-16-2009, 01:57 AM
Froggie Froggie is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Saskatoon
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Mind the motor housing surface temperature is deceiving. It's definitely not the best indication of heat transfer to the tank water. The anti-calcium loop (ie. water jacket) provides active cooling for the motor by transferring the heat directly to fluid.

I've never owned a Red Dragon pump, nor do I appreciate the price, but it's nice to see a little more rigor applied to the design of hobby pumps. That said the mystique behind them is a bit much for my tastes. There are certain realities that need to be accepted as to the maximum efficiency of an electric motor, or its heat output. It's not an especially detailed set of calculations...

My recommendation for a quiet return pump? Buy a recommended and medium priced pump, create a damping base and decouple the discharge from the return piping with some form of expansion joint.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Mr. Wilson got me curious when he mentioned the temperature his pump ran at so I checked mine tonight.

It's the RD 6.5m3, hottest part was at the top back corner, was around 92F but dropped to 90.8F when I snapped the shot.
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