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Old 10-15-2009, 10:14 PM
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brickwood brickwood is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 61
brickwood is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by FishIsGood2 View Post
I have a suggestion....

I browsed around bcquaria and here and found that there are a number of reefers around looking for 20 - 40 lbs of LR. I guess they are just like me not feeling easy to drive all to way to abby for the rocks.

How about, we all agree on a date and place that you take your rocks out to do a 'Rock Meet'. Of course, you could raise your price a bit to cover the transportation cost.
Lol. I have 500lbs of rock. The rock is $4/lb. Even if u only wanted 2's worth the drive. Even the price of gas is cheaper out here. Again worth the drive. The price of rock is going for around $8/lb in the stores. Thanks for the suggestion but honestly, it's easier for people to come to me. For me to pack up the rock and take it somewhere just doesn't make sense.
Why do people think Abby is so far away? I don't think Van is too far away. Lol. Thanks again for the suggestion.
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