From the first hermit crab and shrimp I brought home acclimation..gradual and thorough ..was ingrained in me from the LFS. Same when I got my first fish. When I purchased my corals they have said..simply put it in the acclimation required.
Quarantine, prophylactic dosing of anything was never brought up by the LFS.
Thus, upon reading posts on the forums, I feel I have been leaving out big steps!!
So what steps do most of the experienced reefers do before actually putting newly aquired (1) corals..soft, LPS,SPS (2)invertebrates and (3) fish into your main tank where you would like them to remain and thrive.
If the response is large and the methods varied it would be nice if someone could also set up a poll to indicate what are the preferred methods.
Too much to ask

I hope not as I find SPS often look great in the LFS and a later don't look so great at home.
Also I have a tank that has good parameters, mainly softies and LPS that had no new pieces for 2 months and out of the blue lots of flatworms cropped up. I peer at the tank daily so don't think I missed it for 2 months. I added a wrasse and hope it nibbles them away.
Thanks for any and all suggestions and descriptions of acclimation tecniques for various livestock. If you dose pls include product and active ingredient, dose strength, duration and cycle.