Originally Posted by Delphinus
The next smallest eel, IIRC, is the snowflake. I hear of many reefs keeping these. Although they are usually available in the 8" size, they do top out around 24" so I think they would be a little more adept at crawling out. And I would think they are big enough to take down things like cleaner shrimp and whatnot, although I'm not positive on that one.
Don't forget Richardson's (sp?) Eels, they only get to about 12". As well as, if I recall correctly, a Mottled Eel (?) also stays around 12".
I have a golden dwarf, richardson's and a white eye in my tank. I know that they have eaten a sand sifting goby, peppermint shrimp and whatever crabs wind up in the tank. My richardson's also eats the occasional hermit crab.
Sorry no pic to contribute.