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Old 10-15-2009, 04:27 AM
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Boomboy Boomboy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: edmonton
Posts: 442
Boomboy is on a distinguished road

thanks, i just realized i made one of my pictures really small.

well for most people the stocking list always changes

still want
yasha and randalls pistol
i saw a blenny that i wanted maybe bi coloured ( not sure i need to get a picture, saw it in the LFS and wanted it but held off)
an pair of oxyn clownfish. i think that is about it.
i want one more fish but not a common one, any ideas?

other live stock
fire shrimp

for corals

few brains (open and maze)
1 or 2 acans, those pretty ones.
a few other lps corals
the only sps i want are monticap ones, green and orange or red. not lots of room for to much growth.
some softies would be toadstool leather, and some other uncommon ones
blue cloves
some deepwater zoas when i see em i'll buy em.
and maybe gorgans if i feel like feeding but that would be the last addition.

for my fuge some pulsing xenia, red and purple mushrooms and any soft corals that dont take up to much room and dont need alot of lot light.

i will get pictures of the corals that i want but my computer crashed on me, and not sure when i will get another one anytime soon, hopefully sooner than later. right now just working on letting the tank settle and adding more macro algea that is red and purple, and adding pods to the tank. making sure that my CUC can keep up also.
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