Thread: conix's 75G
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Old 10-15-2009, 03:51 AM
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conix67 conix67 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Thornhill, Ontario
Posts: 39
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As the "Reef Crystals" bucket doesn't really fit in my living room, I'd been looking into ways to build a small stand to hide it under. I was thinking of complete DIY stand with similar look and color as the tank stand.

I found something that comes very close to it, without much of DIY from Ikea and decided to use it instead.

It's supposed to be black-brown, but looks quite brown under certain lighting condition. Anyway, it blends in well, and hides my ATO container.

With more hidden space available, next step is to add larger water container for ATO, 15G high will fit nicely inside, and I already have a glass lid for it. Also, a decent size containers (slim and tall) for 2-part solution would be needed.

Anyway, today I found a mystery creature on my green monti digi. looks like either a snail or nudibranch.. what could it be?? Crossing my fingers hoping it's not something bad..

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