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Old 10-15-2009, 01:16 AM
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Gaaah!!! Wendell, are those dragon morays?? Those look AWESOME!!

Myka - I have in this same tank an orchid dottyback. I was a little nervous at first about this guy but it seems the eel at this point is lower on the totem pole, if you can believe it. Both are rock burrow/cave dwellers so they sort of occupy the same territory and the dottyback is definitely not pleased about sharing, and will chase the eel if he pokes his head out too close to the orchid dottyback. I can see now though at this size, the eel cannot open his mouth enough anyhow. I even tried feeding him some sand eels, which are a fish about the size of a typical danio or tetra or something (maybe a little longer, but the same diameter/girth). He sized it up, and decided against it after he found he couldn't open up wide enough.

Perhaps as they get bigger it becomes a worry though.

I personally would also be worried about them in small tanks. Definitely need a canopy I think - losing my old one was a devastating loss especially after I thought I had taken enough steps to make his tank escape proof. In retrospect it was a mistake to make the overflow eel-proof - I'd much rather an eel find his way into the sump than onto the floor.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Tony, your video is awesome!! Your eel rocks too, much brighter than most specimens I have seen!

I have read of the Yellow Dwarf eating small fish like gobies, even as large as a firefish. For this reason I hesitate to put one in my tank for fear of my Jawfish and Blue Assessor being eaten as both are small and stick in their holes/caves/rockwork where the Eel would be. I would REALLY like to have one though! I also have several little critters like small crabs and small comensal shrimp that I think would be goners.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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