Originally Posted by Mr OM
The OP requested a quiet return pump, I asked what was the reason for such a large amount of flow(read noisy).and backed up the statement regarding what the skimmer mfg suggested the ideal pump size would be.
Your answer was that the manufacturer was no expert, you continue to push high sump turnover rates and consequently ignore the manufactures suggestions, if the OP used a pump of the correct size he would not have the noise issue he is getting nor an expensive bill to purchase or operate such a large pump as you are suggesting.
That's just it, the guy wanted a quiet return pump with a given flow and price was no object. I didn't push high flow, it was already requested. I never said low flow was a bad thing but rather advantages exist for both so it comes down to personal preference. If anyone is pushing it's you dude, not me. I don't know why you're making this personal.