Brad - yes, re-circ'd is what I have done to G5. You have PM

Originally Posted by untamed
Yup, that is the math...If the chamber size is constant, then increasing flow rate (tank turnover) reduces dwell time and vice-versa. Assuming that you have re-circ'd the G5, then you can control the flow rate. If you haven't re-circ'd, then your flow rate is set by the amount of water drawn in by the NW pumps and you would have no control over it.
Really, controlling flow rate is one of the big reasons why one might choose a recirc skimmer over a non-recirc skimmer.
Given the limitation of the size, I would be inclined to try decreasing flow rate for increased dwell time. Playing with the flow rate a bit is certainly worthy of experimentation for sure.
Plus...if you wanted to increase the chamber size, you can have my old G6 body if you like.