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Old 10-12-2009, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by leducreef View Post
well i didnt win one lol so i thought would buy one for the heck of it lol
here is a lil review

ESHOPPS PSK-100 Skimmer review
Text and Photo my John Horner or Leducreef

Eshopps has brought out a new line of skimmers this year, from hang on models to in sump and also the New higher end cone models .I would consider them to be a mid level skimmer for the budget minded person without sacrificing quality .

Some stats on this skimmer
Model PSK-100
Footprints (L x W) 10" x 5"
Recommended tank size 100 gal to 150
Price range $140-150

The PSK-100 is on the smaller end of Eshopps line but i chose this model for my frag tank setup, witch is a 40 gal tank with a 20 gal sump this skimmer has one neat feature that I have not seen on to many other skimmers and that is there mesh wheel impeller design . It is kinda like the needle impellers but they have glued a mesh type of material
On it to really cut the water up creating lots of bubbles . This model has no bubble plate like the hang on and cone models I am not sure why that is, but it don’t seem to need it.
After assembling this skimmer and placing In my sump and plugged it in and away it went. The new mesh wheel impeller produces a lot of bubbles .Eshopps recommends that it sit 8 inches of water .After making some adjustments to the flow witch is very easy to adjust, I found that it ran much better in about 9 to 10 inches of water , and after running it for a few days I was finding that I would get about a half a cup of dark skim every day. The cup removes in a flash to dispose of the skim .I also noticed that this skimmer was a lot quieter than some of my other skimmers .
Eshopps recommends the PSK-100 skimmer for up to a 150 gal tank but I think up to a 65 gal Reef and 100 gal fowler is about right . My only beef is with the pump on this skimmer is the intake housing .It is made of a soft plastic and if you remove it to clean the impeller you have to be careful when putting it back on not to break the clips that hold it together they are very weak. In my opinion the Eshopps skimmers put some of the other brands entry level skimmers to shame .you can visit for more info .

Great value for a low price
Well built
Skims well
Small foot print

Pump intake housing is weak
No drain hole in skim cup
No bubble plate ?
collection cup could be bigger
Nice thread
a BRAND for the hobbyists
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