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Old 10-09-2009, 07:15 PM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
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Originally Posted by Boomboy View Post
Listen to myka she knows what shes talking about.
+1, she's been very helpful. EDIT: Where she mentioned Xenia and GSP as being invasive (or at least spreading quickly) I would also add most soft corals can be this way, if they are happy... some people put mushrooms in the 'invasive' group for this reason, since they don't get along overly well with stony corals (stinging and chemical warfare and whatnot). I understand that the stony corals often recede from contact with soft corals.*

If you're interested in trying some LPS, open brain corals EDIT: Mine is a Trachyphyllia* have a reputation for being very hardy and adaptable, and they are also interesting and colorful. I have mine around 12" from a 70W metal halide on the sandbed, so they can take a fair amount of light (but I understand they do well with low to moderate light... I consider my lighting to be moderate). They do need to be fed regularly though, I've been reading between 3 and 5 times a week (mine gets fed every second or third day with finely chopped mysis... sometimes I double up and feed two days in a row). Other than that, light to moderate flow, and some open space on the sandbed for them to expand fully without hindrance is all they need... apparently they aren't exacting on parameters but being a stony coral they'll need adequate calcium, alk, and magnesium. Mine has done very well in the past two months, I would recommend open brains to any noob.

You mentioned trace elements and such... I wouldn't worry about 'trace' elements, unless you are talking about calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity. These you may need to test for (and dose), but everything else will be replaced with regular water changes.
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...

Last edited by BlueAbyss; 10-10-2009 at 01:17 AM.
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