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Old 10-09-2009, 07:33 AM
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Sphelps what you said about people only posting when they have something to compalin about...very true but true for both Sequence and RD users so I'd think that's a moot point. What you said about bmw owners vs hyundai owners however IS very relevant and a great point.

I expected a lot when I bought my BK and I felt let down. I'm sure it's going to skim just great but the pump itself seemed loud to me. I'm the sort of person that disconnects the power to the tv in my bedroom at night because I can hear high pitched noises my wife can't. I'm fussy about noise. I also agree it makes noise but less than anything else.

Having said all of this though I think I would have gotten a RD return pump if servicing these pumps and getting replacement parts wasn't so difficult and time-consuming. That's just part of owning these fancy foreign things which I understand.
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