Originally Posted by tlo
thank you all so much for your opinions and experiences. I am leaning towards a red dragon, but they are soooo pricey. If they really are as quiet as they are made out to be it will be worth it. I am very noise sensitive and what most people tune out as background "white noise" drives me crazy.
You could try and find someone local who has one and take a listen for yourself. Even if someone has a BK skimmer, disconnect the air line and you'll get the idea. I'm pretty picky on noise as well and my stand is currently wide open, all I can hear is the skimmer. the pump is very quiet in my books but like you said everyone is different, however I don't think you'll find anything quieter which most people who have compared them would agree on.
One more thing that sold me when I was considering was the fact that these pumps can be used internal! Not much else in comparable flow rate can do that. Running a pump internally usually results in a lower noise level. I ran mine external in the end and I'm glad I did but I always have the option to switch.