Originally Posted by Mr OM
At least somebody understands what is required for a sump return.
If you ask a reputable skimmer mfg they will tell you to use a sump pump of the same value as the skimmers capacity, ie if you purchase a skimmer for a 400 gallon system it performs at its best at 400 gph passing across it, any more and its performance will be depleted. The 10 times turnover rate isn't correct if the tank is skimmed properly.
What's required can be very different from what's best or best for certain people. Also the return rate is independent from the skimmer rate. A sump simply extends the display tank, it's the same as putting a skimmer right in the display besides the effect of the overflow. In fact if anything a higher return would result in more surface water in the sump at all times. I can't see how more or less return flow, compared to skimmer flow, would greatly effect skimmer performance. Unless you have it setup some special way, the skimmer isn't skimming 100% of the water that passes by it, and no matter what the flow rate, the % of water skimmed is the same over a given time frame. The only slight improvement here would actually result from more flow, a higher sump turnover would result in less water being recycled through the skimmer. Like previously stated it's a matter of preference, both low and high flow have there advantages but it's a preference not a requirement. There are obviously limits but the range is large. One more reason I see more being better is matching the flow doesn't actually make sense if you look at the numbers. My skimmer for example flows 4000L/h and it's rated for tanks up to 3000L, hmmm so the "required" flow results in a turn over of 1.3
Food for thought: I design and manufacture load cells and weighing systems yet I personally don't use any of them. If I was looking for advice on anything regarding it's installation and real life performance I'd ask the people using them.
Originally Posted by Mr OM
.00019" two tenths of a thou on a skimmer?
That's what's stated regarding the RD pumps, not sure about the skimmer. Keep in mind it likely referring to components relating to the bearings or shafts but it still demonstrates quality.