I have some equipment for sale.
Reeflo Dart Super Gold. $450 Bought a few months ago and never used it. Never even taken out of the box.
Vertex In-100 $200 Also never used, still in box.
Aqua Photon Plus 2x 250W with 4x 54W t5's. $750. It is similar to the one in the following link. This is a very nice light with very little use.
Reeflo Snapper $100. New bearings and seals.
There is approximatly 90lbs of live rock as well 60lbs in a rubbermade container and 30lbs in a current system. One or two rocks are full of mushrooms and one rock is covered with zoos. $3.50 per pound. Would prefer the buyer take all.
I will be adding more items to the list in a day or so.