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Old 10-08-2009, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
A good point but I see more to a sump than a skimmer. A higher return increases tank flow and reduces the demand for supplemental in tank flow, a big plus in my books. Also more flow increases surface tension and reduces scum build up in the display, it will also keep things suspended longer and filter more out of the display sending it to the sump quicker. Sumps can also hold mechanical filtration like socks and floss and chemical like carbon. These can benefit from higher flow. Finally things like heaters and pumps will work better with an increased convective heat transfer effect.

You don't have to run high flow but there are certainly benefits to it.
Again, a matter of personal preference but running a retun pump to provide circulation in the display tends to be woefully inefficient with respect to the amount of energy used and subsequently dumped back into the tank or atmosphere in the form of heat.
SPS Dedicated 24x24x20 Trimless Tank | 20 g Sump | Bubbble King Mini 160 Protein Skimmer w/ Avast Swabbie | NP Biopellets in TLF Phosban Reactor | ATI Sunpower 6 x 24W T5HO Fixture | EcoTech Vortech MP20 | Modified Tunze Nanostream 6025 | Eheim 1260 Return Pump | GHL Profilux Standalone Doser dosing B-Ionic | Steel Frame Epoxy Coated Stand with Maple Panels embedded with Neodymium Magnets

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