Originally Posted by lastlight
If you compare the number of Sequence customers to the number of Red Dragon owners though and then take into the account that there are plenty of people who've had issues with the RD pumps then I'm not so sold on the idea of paying a lot more for a RD that has the same flow.
Just take a peek at the Proline forum on RC. I've had issues with my RD and with my Dart running I can def hear it when I fire it up. This was after I swapped motor blocks, impellers you name it. Ive only run it in FW and have heard they will run differently in it but I'm not 100% sold on the pump quality myself. There was even a large recall recently. It was the RDII line but still...
The RDIIs have been recalled, it was brand new to the NA market and obviously there was an issue adapting the pump to fit NA requirements. It's unfortunate but being innovative enough to provide the first DC controllable return pump to NA from another country is bound to have some drawbacks, proper testing is virtually impossible. Other than that a quick glance at the forum shows no indication of a problem with regular RD pumps. Sometimes you get faulty products but any distributor of such a pump should stand behind it. If there is an actual problem with the pump you should get a full replacement.
Also I wasn't aware you were running an RD return pump, of course a RD skimmer pump will make some noise because of the air but it is common knowledge that it's still quieter than most alternatives.