Originally Posted by lastlight
It's not very often that you can just tell the person has a plan that includes color, growth etc in the long term. I'm feeling it and can tell alreay this is going to rock when it grows in more. If it were my tank I might snatch one or two rocks out of the middle to expose some sand and make a path between the piles but that's minor and just me.
That purple danae looks awesome!
Ahh, yes Brett. I've only given you the "straight on" view from both sides. There is actually about a 6" path of sand running at an angle down the middle. I planned that even before drilling my holes for the closed loop. I'll take an angle shot sometime, or you can just visit one day and see for yourself

. I did the path at an angle to give a perception of greater depth. If the path was straight, I don't think that the tank would look as deep. It's hard to plan stuff long term cause I don't know enough about the other sps to know what corals sting what. I know that the caps usually grow well together and the digi's grow well together, other than that, I'll have to move corals as I see what kind of growth patterns they have. I would love a table acro at some point to put near the bottom plating out. Get your tank up and we can start trading stuff!