boil them
not joking and i've done this several times and it has worked everytime. I'm not going to take credit for this idea because I learned it from someone, somewhere, sometime ago (i have no idea.....)
This is the hard part: You will need to jury rig something to make this work but basically you need a bottle that you can attach a semi-stiff tube to the top of the bottle. I used a 1 liter rubbermaid plastic container that is flexible that had one of those tops with a white straw nozzle that folds down when you are not drinking (and fold up when you want to drink). Pull off this white nozzle and there should be a hole where the water comes out. Find tubing that will fit into this hole or drill a hole to fit the tubing you have. Insert the tubing only about half inch (don't push it all the way to the bottom)
Easy but a little risky park:
Fill the bottle with BOILING (on the stove and boiling like a stuck pig) hot water and screw on the top. Insert the tube into the water and invert the bottle upside down. Watch where you point the the end of the tube as you are capping as the hot water will push out easily.
Easy part:
Squirt the hot water slowly and steadily over the area of hair algae for about 5 seconds. You want a slow constant flow of hot water over the root area of the algae. Don`t worry about your fish - they will get out of the way. It won`t die right away, just wait about 2-3 days and you will notice that area of hair algae is melting away.
Try it and see if it works for you. It worked for me and it started a chain reaction through my tank. As soon as a large patches started dying, they started to all disappear. Ì`m not sure if the fishes are eating the cooked part of the hair alge but i never find any floathing around. they just kinda melt away or got eaten.
DONT use a turkey baster with the hot water. The hot water`s steam will expand and push the hot water out.
try it out and lmk if it works.
If people don't die, it wouldn't make living important.
And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.