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Old 10-07-2009, 02:34 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 1,793
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My fish room is boring. All the pictures that I've posted already is what it is. My fish room is so small that I don't have a wide enough angled lens to capture what it looks like. You'll just have to visit one day when you're in Edmonton to see it for yourself.

Anyway, here are some updated pictures just for you Mike:

Full tank shot - living room side:

Purple Acro - it actually looks a lot darker in person - I think you can see it near the bottom right in the fts:

Small Squamosa clam:

Small Blue Maxima:

Here is the start of my forrest of monit caps:

An unknown acro - sorry, I'm not technical into sps names yet. I should get a book one day. This was quite brown when I got it, it is pinking up at the tips, kind of purply:

Another sps. This was dark brown when I got it, it is lightening up and the tips are going whiter:

This is one of my favourites. I believe it's a montipora danae:

Another full tank shot, from the Den side this time:

Another favourite - got it from another canreef member, some acro?

This stag has had a lot of growth since its introduction. This one is from Saltynuts. It was completely brown when I got it. All those tips going up is completely new growth:

This green acro of some sort has done well on the bottom, it has shown some growth:

And the start of my monti digi 2 colour forrest - from another canreef member:

Another squamosa on the other side of the tank:

One of the brightest corals in my tank - green hammer:

That's my little update for now. I suck at taking pictures. Any tips from all of you other people whose every shot is superbly in focus? Thanks for looking.

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