It's been a while but thought I'd post a little update.
Last week I introduced a clam from another tank. The clam spawned in the previous owners tank and was becoming an issue so I removed it. I didn't want to destroy it since it was a large clam and only doing what is natural to it. I left the clam in a large bucket for a few hours and with no signs of spawning I figured it would safe to put the clam in my tank. All was well for the first hour until my other somewhat large squamosa started spawning, then the new clam started up again. Within minutes all my clams except the large gigas were spawning

. The tank was pure white but I let the clams finish and then filtered out the sperm and eggs with mechanical media and wet skimming, needless to say

. Two 25% water changes later and the tank was clear with no casualties.
Since I already told the boss I couldn't come into work because I needed to filter the sperm out of my fish tank I decided to get a little work done. Nothing like a little disaster to get you motivated
So I reaquascaped and made better room for the new clam.
I also later installed my new pump

and finished up the plumbing I started so long ago. I put in a new larger tank for a sump to handle the extra flow from the new pump. I'm going to add a few things to the sump to better incorporate some mechanical media, carbon and a steady water level for the skimmer but that's it. Still going the simple route.
Hope you enjoyed the little update, I obviously still have a lot of work to do but winter is long and summer is short. Priorities will change soon enough