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Old 10-05-2009, 04:56 AM
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Originally Posted by noirsphynx View Post
That's too cute Laurie. I bought one from Ken too but sadly I have no anenome for her so she decided to sit in front of my favia but seeing your little rbta makes me want to get something for her.

When we first put him in he jumped out of the net before we could get him near the rbta and since we bought him to host in the rbta (perc.'s have no interest but the rbta is still fairly small) so anyway, I wasn't happy he wasn't co-operating.

However a few minutes later he came out onto the sand at the front of the tank and we were able to net him again (along with some sand that you probably can see flying around in the pic.) this time we were able to place him onto the rbta. The pic. was taken a little while later and so far he's staying in/beside/or just under the rbta.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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