Thread: Tank pics
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Old 10-04-2009, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
hey Christy looks great kido , hows the lps and sps going together in your tank are yuou finding it hard to keep the water circulating in the tank with the lps and sps
No, I actually have less flow due to laziness. After the fiasco of the move I never got around to putting all the powerheads back in the tank. Currently there is just the wavebox and a 6060 in there. I sold the chiller and the mag 12 is running full bore, much more powerful with 6' less head as it doesn't go through the chiller anymore. I'm going to put another powerhead in today as I'm getting this gross slimy green algae everywhere that is pretty much a green version of red slime. I think the LPS are doing well because there are less SPS in the tank and more nutrients than previously.
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