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Old 10-03-2009, 04:56 AM
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Time for an update I figured,

The tank is slowly starting to get bright green/purple all over the rocks which is great. Some small fighting with hair algae in my sand and on the rocks but aquired a few more clean up crew ( a few cowries ) and a peppermint shrimp.

Sadly for reasons I can't figure out the peppermint shrimp only lasted a few days. I may have introduced it to rapidly or it was just older and not really ready for the stress of a new tank. It was rather large and not active from the get-go.
I modified the Protein skimmer so it would work within the sump and adjusted the rocks/ moved the heater so now I have a much cleaner looking tank. I just need to clean the drain hole and modify it when I do a water change here soon so it'll accept more flow. Then hopefully I can increase the water level and keep everything running nicely without the visible water edge.

Added 2 clown fish, seem to be nippy together still they are young... but if it keeps up I'll make my buddy happy with a new fish :P

New Green star

My Xenia pulse like crazy and even srpung a little baby growing behing them. It's near lights off time the little ones is usually pulsing as well

FTS ( Much better wothout the heater visible and protein skimmer removed
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