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Old 10-02-2009, 09:52 PM
spikehs spikehs is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary
Posts: 848
spikehs is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Doser, UV Steralizer, 12g nanocube dx, 24g biocube stand (Calgary)

Got a couple more items to sell, so I though I'd make one thread instead of a bunch.

1. ReefDoser Quadro - Sells brand new at MarineDepot for $470us. I bought it used off of someone on RC who had used it for 1 year (approx)... I never got around to setting it up.

$270 obo

2. UV Steralizer 25w w/ wiper - Brand New at Marine Depot for $280. Again bought it from RC, and has been used for 1 year.
$150 obo

3. JBJ Nano Cube DX - 12 gallon
$80 obo

4. Oceanic Biocube stand 24

Will consider discounts if you buy multiple items.


Last edited by spikehs; 10-08-2009 at 04:45 PM. Reason: Items added, price change.
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