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Old 10-02-2009, 12:10 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
The original poster of the original add posted it on a public forum....He probably thinks "wow...people who know a bunch about reef tanks, think my price is out to lunch....maybe I should adjust my price a little"....hmm what do you know?...he did.... I have a top of the line (in the 90s) dual cassette deck....really sweet unit at the time....cost, like $500....I imagine they are fairly rare now...would you give me $300 for it? Times change and so does the value of things.

So your saying that we shouldnt post links to anything? Ive seem numerous links to things meant to be funny and things that arent meant to be funny. We then post and laugh and cry and talk and argue about the link. Why is what I posted any different?
The second you insult someone publicly things change, I'm not saying you're responsible so get defensive as I'm not looking to fight with anyone. I simply wanted to stick up for the other side as I thought the comments where getting out of hand.

Besides I'm not sure what you're mad about, you posted something to get some interest and you got it, everyone doesn't have to agree with you.

And yes things change but not everything, retail price is still high for coral skeletons and they are harder to find. Like I said before not everyone gets opportunities to get things for free. Many people around the world would pay a lot of money for many things we take for granted, doesn't mean they're stupid or wrong in anyway.

Last edited by sphelps; 10-02-2009 at 12:14 AM.
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