Thread: Puffer diet
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Old 10-01-2009, 09:45 PM
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My Puffer just past a coupe weeks ago. We were only feeding him Dried krill. Could that have been the cause?? I tried some cooked shrimp, had it here, he ate it, but not as well as the Krill. I dont know if I can get silversides here in my town?? are they common at the grocery store? Wife wants another puffer, so do I acctually. But want to make sure it wasnt my feedin that killed him???

Another thing, My puffer never came out unless I held food near him to coax him out. Then when feeding over, back behind the rocks he went. ANd how many times should they be fed??? Mostly, my fish only get fed in the evening. The Tangs munch algae but pellets in evening.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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