Originally Posted by sphelps
No I'm not suggesting that, however dead coral doesn't die unlike live coral which has around 10% survival rate. Also removing dead coral from the reefs is much less harmful than removing live coral. It's a known fact that using dead coral in your tank over live coral has much less of an effect on the environment, it's published in almost every aquarium book I've seen.
I can assure you the this hobby doesn't help the natural reefs in anyway, to say otherwise is simply a way of absolving yourself. If you disagree show me anything that suggests otherwise, and no research facilities are not part of the hobby.
Ohhhhhh!, okay I get it now.

If the reefs are only somewhat damaged or harmed........ it's not quite as much of an issue?
Also, I never said that this hobby helps reefs in any way. I said "Some might even argue". There is a difference.
Calling it "dead coral" is so harsh. Would you like to buy a bucket of my rare white environmentaly freindly recycled coral?