Since 2006 Prince George has been host to what we like to call The Reef Tank Tour. Founded by Karen Allan, The Reef Tank Tour was started as a means of educating new arrivals to the hobby of saltwater aquaria in the north by providing them with an opportunity to see first hand some of the thriving and successful reef aquariums in the area. Already close to 60 people have hand a chance to view over 2000 gallons of saltwater in Prince George homes! Every tank provides a little something different for its viewers to learn and grow from... and I'm not just talking about frags.

So I hope you'll join us all again this year as we once again showcase some of the most spectacular reef aquariums in the north!
The Prince George Reef Tank Tour will run for the months of October 2009 through to March 2010 with one tank being featured each month (if all goes as planned). At this time we are still in the planning stages of this years Tank Tour so I will continue to post information as it becomes available. In the mean time here are some pictures of previously featured reef aquariums in Prince George:
Doug's 2007
George's 2007
Lonnies's 2007
Russell's 2008