How do they get to the buyer? Who pays for gas or mailing? I agree that they are worth $20, but the logistics throw a wrench into the transaction. A check or cash has to get to the seller somehow
Geez, if it was that big of a deal,
I would pay for the stamp. If someone local wanted to buy it, I would take the bus there.
I honestly didn't think this would be such a big deal for chrissake. Despite the fact this was given to me as a birthday gift when I was unable to use it, if this is worthless to everyone else, I will toss it as wish me a happy birthday.
I am surprised at the fuss and so sorry to ever have posted this for sale. Those that can be called "gentlemen", so sorry to have wasted your time. I wasn't trying to rip anyone off at all. Call me a sore loser (or whatever you want), I am just horrified that someone can't ask for a fair price and not get flamed for it. I am so disappointed about this.
I wish everyone a nice day