LED's as a Primary Light Source
I am very interested in using LED's as the primary light source in a reef tank. Does anyone know if LED's have what it takes to support corals? I have a 26gallon bowfront tank that I am in the process of setting up, I am currently building the stand and canopy for it. I am planning on lighting it exclusively with LED's. Im hoping that I have enough already but I guess Ill soon know the answer to that... Currently I have 3 at 5watts each and 450nm, 3 at 5watts each and white(they look like a 12,000k metal halide) and then I have 8 at 1watt each in white as well. So far from breifly playing with them, they seem to give the same shimmer effect that you get from metal halides, Im just hoping that they support corals the same as well. From what I have researched, they are the brightest LED's in the world that are currently available. The tank will be setup as a nano reef with a 14gallon sump and 1 1100gph circulation pump with multiple outputs. I hope to be able to support some soft corals as well as a good variety of hard corals. Does anyone have a recomendation for a good skimmer to use on a small tank, something rated at at least 75gallons, I was thinking of using a smaller excaliber skimmer as the large ones work well.