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Old 09-30-2009, 03:42 PM
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Oceanic is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aquatic Addictions View Post

I will not deny I made some offensive comments on your corals...I dont think there was a person who didnt just as there were those that thought the opposite. You forget Ian that I am not basing anything I said on assumptions in terms of your legalities....I also wholesale and know several other wholesalers who think just the same as I do as we have tried several ways. Please dont get your ego blown up thinking I was jealous. I was merely looking out for the reprocussions your actions could have caused to the rest of us should Ron have gotten wind of it.

If you were in my shop then why would you not introduce yourself? Seems a little strange to me but hey what do I know. This wasnt to start a ****ing match nor put your business down. From the start we had people saying we were closing ....but coming from a former vendor in such a snide, " I knew it all along" way...little unbecoming thats all. You have a beautiful child Ian congrats to you and your wife and we wish you well.

I appreciate the fact that my comment was not articulated properly and again was not meant to be offensive. I was in your shop a few times but felt that because of the comments that I heard you were making that it would not be constructive to spark conversation at the time considering you looked busy.

I had nothing to do with the wholesale side of the business so it was the accusations and legality finger pointing that upset me the most. Either way I still spent my money at your shop as I do believe that supporting local business within the hobby is important, I guess I was not used to all the whispering that goes on behind closed doors in this business.

Thanks for the compliments, I am sure you will do well with whatever you choose to do next.