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Old 09-29-2009, 02:26 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Sorry for your losses but it doesn't sound like ick to me, it doesn't wipe out a tank in less than 12 hours, unless by work you mean out of town for a week at which case a QT won't save you. Sorry but I just don't agree with the QT approach, it's not needed for most reefers needs and usually does more harm than good so I for one won't be buying one

I see use of QTs for treating corals to avoid hitchhikers like nudibranchs and flatworms. Also for very large tanks a large QT could be useful for acclimatising fish to aquarium habits, but I don't agree that removing a sick fish and putting it in a smaller tank will do any good, rather it will cause more stress reducing it's chance for survival. I've always found a UV sterilizer to be the best treatment for ick.
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