Well I now have baby snails I think and feather dusters are multipling and some have migrated to the sand. Starpolups are growing I had to glue the zoes to a piece of coral that I had hanging around the house, they are doing better now. My clown fish are big pigs they get fed 2 daly first is flakes as they will not touch pelets. I will see if any other fish I get will eat them before I give them away. Tank test have been very good the PH went up a bit to 8.3 or so. It is not 8.2 or 8.4 some where in between test is not that specific. The ph dosn't seem to bother anything else I read that it should be good for the coriline algea. Mushroom is also doing very well once I found the right place for it, low flow but it like quite a bit of light. I have anoughter hitch hiker but I can not get a clear picture even with a magnifieing glass. All I know is it dose not like too much light or flow, probable moreso the flow is the problem it moves when ever it is in a high flow area bit it bulks up and looks nice. I have got to figure out how to activate my web space om my service providers account. The thing is in a small shell seems to stay in it. It is about the size of a pee. Sept28/09 well cross the thing seems to stay in the small shell it is migrating to the back of the tank now. At some point it will settle down and find a good home for it's self.I saw some other snails today and got a decent pic of the eggs on the glass.
Last edited by bvlester; 10-18-2009 at 07:56 PM.
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