So, Big Tank move was today!
We have sold the house and are without a home for a month so my mom has offered to take my tank for the next few months. I felt this was my best option over selling it all off and shutting it down.
So...the tank move went well. One casualty so far - my Royal Gramma. An unfortunate loss since we just lost track of her in the catching phase and transferring LR and she was hiding in a rock. Must have been out of water for abit or who knows but she did not make it.
Hopefully she is the only casualty. May lose a coral that was in questionable condition prior to the move but overall most look good. ALL of the other fish were out swimming and ate! Looking rather comfortable. Tank is still mildly cloudy but clearing up nicely. Couple leaks but we got it all restarted okay.

Nitrates were reading 5-10 so a water change will prob be necessary tomorrow.
I am COMPLETELY exhausted! Huge amount of work and unfortunately I have to do it all over again in December! I must be crazy. (thanks Doug for all the supplies)
Haven't posted yet but I FINALLY found my FLAME Angel! Picked it up from Red Coral a few weeks ago and she is doing so good. Fat and eating superbly. My favorite (although I say that about many of my fish).

Red Coral Online Store
45 Gallon Cube with 10 Gallon Sump, Lighting 8 bulb T5, Vertex IN 80 Skimmer
-2 Occelaris Clowns, Engineer Goby, RBTA, Peppermint Shrimp