A couple updates to post.
First, I got a really cool decoration. There's a little import store in town, and all the items they carry are free trade. I've seen these paper weights before, and thought they were so cool, but didn't have anywhere to put one (and didn't need another dust collector). But I went in on Monday to look for some other stuff, and suddenly realized it would look really cool in the aquarium.
Long story short, these are river rocks which are first lacquered, then a layer of silver foil is painted on, lacquered again, and then polished smooth. The whole process takes about a month and a half. If you want to read it, I took a pic of the info sheet
I thought the one I got was good, since it can sit upright. The pic really doesn't do it justice though. It's amazing how the foil catches even the smallest bit of light and it almost looks like it's glowing.
Tank shot:
Still not sure what to name the otos. They are slightly different in colour (one is more grey, one more brown), but I can only tell them apart when they're next to each other. I thought the name "Sharky" suited them, so I might just call them Sharky1 and Sharky2 :P
Thought this was cute; Pigtails!
The Inuksuk is where all the cool fish hang out...
And for the second update, I finally got some ghost shrimp. I've been calling petsmart every week for about 2 months. Yesterday when I called, the person asked, "Is this the person who calls every week?" I said, "Yeah, that's me." She said they didn't get any in, but she took my name and number and said she'd call me when they get some. 2 minutes later she called back and said, "Looks like we did get a few in!" So I went and scooped 10. Got looking at them closely, and at least 2 of them are full of eggs! Fingers crossed for some baby shrimp!
This is one of the pregnant ones. She was just sitting on top of the java moss for a while after I released them into the tank.
I thought I wouldn't be able to see them once they got settled, but they seem pretty confident in their new surroundings. They've just been cruising around picking up food. They're really interesting to watch. Sometimes you see a little group of 3 or more cruising across the bottom together.
So far, I haven't even seen Morbo pay attention to them (I figured he'd be the biggest threat to them). One of the Rat Pack was pretty interested though. He sort of charged a shrimp, and the shrimp jumped straight up