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Old 09-23-2009, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomboy View Post
great start man, yeah you quickly want to upgrade alot of things, lighting for example, if you dont want to spend alot of money but want great lighting go with t5's dont waste your money on PC's they are doubled up bulbs( thats what they look like) quick question why not run the skimmer in the sump since you have one, cleans up the main display you can always run a longer hose on the pump if you need it to go lower.

when i first started i really like frogspawn and torch corals and even candy canes, even now and pulsing xenias are great too to watch. as time goes on your going to find very cool looking corals that are interesting to watch when you feed them ex. plate coral.

for fish i love clown fish i know mostly everyone has one but its for a reason they have a personality and nice colour. in smaller tanks you want to try and find fish that dont swim to much into each others zones, just different sections of the tank. and dont get to many, if fact wait on the fish if you can and just put corals into it. give it time so the tank can balance.

keep asking question no question is wrong. and they are lots of opinions on different things so in the end your going to have to research and make up your own mind once in a while. a good site to for smaller tanks is great place to learn lots.
The bulbs are two seperate t5's, just the fixture itself I was saying is for two bulbs, there's a 18,00k and a arctinic 39w

as for the suggestions I love frogspawns, was also looking into some zoo's. I have a nice healthy small pulsing xenia growing pretty quick in my tank at the moment, have it positioned so the tanks main flow direction is pushing it in the direction I hope it'll spread. Will be interesting to see how it grows
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