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Old 09-23-2009, 04:24 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
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Well, with the recent addition of the 75 gallons of water, it has really decreased my temp fluctuation. In the morning today temp was 79, now it's 80.4. It was 29 degrees outside today and we do not have AC. Previous to that temp would go to 82 degrees on hot days. I'm quite pleased with this. I have more water volume in the basement now than on my main display. Here is a full tank shot from the living room. I really need tips on how to take pictures. It is really tough cause I can't seem to take head on shots cause the tank is viewable from both sides so there is so much reflection.

And from the den side:

Not much has changed. Just trying to learn how to take pictures. I don't get how you guys get such clear pictures of your frags and corals. Out of 30 pictures I took today only a few came out clear. Here's one. This frag was from Saltynuts, it was all brown when I got it and now it's got blue/aqua with red.

And this one is a neat picture cause the fish happened to be in the background.

Thanks for looking.

Oh btw, I've got my first speck of coraline algae showing up on the glass now. Brings a smile to my face.

Last edited by Dez; 09-23-2009 at 06:47 AM.
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