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Old 09-23-2009, 03:57 AM
Trigger Trigger is offline
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Default I use Tropic Marin Pro Reef

My take on salt is buy what is ever in your price range that gives you the best chemical parameters. I use Tropic Marin Proreef, when I mix up a batch of water my chemical parameters are as follows:
Calcium 415
Alkalinity 9.30
Magnesium 1230
Salinity 1.025

I realize that this salt mixture is more expensive than some of the others on the list but you get pretty good chemical values without adding any supplements. That being said, I'm starting to add a little of calcium and magnesium which bumps up ca, mg and alkalinity into the levels I'm wanting.

My question is does price of salt mixture equal better water? I'm curious to hear what other people have found, ie. what are their base water parameters with out adding any supplements.
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