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Old 09-22-2009, 05:17 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
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I have one in my tank with a mystery wrasse and a solerensis wrasse and a cleaner wrasse, they don't bother each other at all. Other tank mates include regal tang, yellow tang, kole tand, hawkfish, bicolor blenny and clownfish...

I had one years ago in my previous tank and it's a great community fish. From what I've read they are sensitive to high light tanks.

For the first week my guy never really showed himself, now he's out and about all day even when the halides are on full tilt.

This fish was one of my "must have" fish based on my previous experience with it. It is a beautiful fish. Mine had really nice pink colouration in the yellow.

Hope this helps.

I would recommend it in any reef tank...
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