Originally Posted by StirCrazy
I looked at that stuff befor, have you used a cloth screen befor to give you a comparason between the two?
No I never have, the budget ran out. I was just going to go with the misty grey paint route but I figured I'd give these guys a try.
As for light concerns, I've had a Sony and now a Panasonic projector and I can still see the screen with the lights on.
Is your basement already framed? Fireplace is in?
A couple of the best ideas I stole, a PVC conduit in the ceiling from the projector to audio equipment for running wires. A closet behind the screen to access everything from the back. Remote dimmers for the lights can be learned by your remote.
Here's a pic from construction, cutouts for center speaker and equipment rack.
I went widescreen because we watch more movies than TV or computer. It ended up just about 100 inches.