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Old 09-20-2009, 08:01 PM
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bauder1986 bauder1986 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB...find the earie glow of the T5 lights coming from a house lol
Posts: 439
bauder1986 is on a distinguished road

JBJ - great lighting options which gives you more options for coral
RSM - Poor lighting options, not to many coral options
Solana - Tanks are beautiful, leaves more room for upgrades (Lights, hang on skimmer, hang-on refugium)
Cadlight - Simple design, you pick your lighting, stands are crap.

No matter what, stock skimmers that come with nanos just dont cut it. You will almost always have to replace and upgrade the stock skimmer.

Its just a matter of budget, taste in tank styles, and what you want to grow in your nano that will make your decision in which tank you want. They all have different pros and cons for each person, its just a matter of which one suits your needs and desires.
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